Do you know about Yemen this is some information about Yemen

  Republic of Yemen located in south west Arabian Peninsula west Asia, an area about 527,970 km.

From the north Yemen is KSA, west Oman, east red sea, and from south is
The capital is Sana'a it is bigger a city in Yemen,

   Yemen have 200 islands in the red sea and Arabian Sea, most important is Socotra.
It is only country in Arabian Peninsula have system a republican
And official religion is Islam with some church and minority Jewish or Christian, the official language is Arabic.

   Yemen the first country in Arabian Peninsula allow to women right of vote in 1967.
Yemeni unity achieved between the Yemen Arab Republic and the People's Democratic Republic of Yemen on May 22, 1990.

    Yemen is member in League of Arab state from 1945, member in United Nations from 1947, Non-Aligned Movement and organization of Islamic cooperation
Yemen's tribal nature as the majority of the population lives in rural areas and tribes constitute nearly 85% of the total population of 25408288.

Yemen’s economy depends about limited resources from (oil- gaz) this is not untapped well, Pass the country's political and economic situation of difficult as a result of corruption and ethnic and religious conflicts that hinder the development process.

  The youth revolution in Yemen (2011 - 2012) to drop the claim, Ali Abdullah Saleh, who ruled the country for 33 years and led to protests in the disqualification of his sons and his removal from the political scene.

   The Republic of Yemen is divided administratively into 21 governorates in addition to the 
province of the Socotra archipelago, and the provinces are divided into: (333) Directorate.

And now after the results of the Yemeni National Dialogue, which lasted 10 months, Yemen 
has been divided into the states of five states as follows

has been divided into has the states of sex states follows : like this

Hadramaut Province includes the states provinces skilled, Hadramout, Shabwa, Socotra, and its capital Mukalla
Sheba Province includes the states of Jawf, Marib, white, and its capital of Marib
Aden Province includes the states of Abyan, Lahej, Dali, and its capital Aden

Taiz Province includes the states of Taiz, Ibb, Taiz and its capital

Azal Province includes the states of Sa'ada, Sana'a, Amran, Dhamar, and its capital Sanaa
Tihama Province And includes the states of Hodeida, crime, Mahaweet, argument, and its capital Hodeida


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