Support us by donation to this project

I created a project called Kalam on and looking for your help to raise funds for my project, please check my project link below and is you cannot contribute financially it would be great if you can speard the word about it:

By support this project you will:
- You contribute to support educational process in Yemen, and help students in their study which have
     been damaged by teachers' interruption.
- You contribute to helping the students affected by the department in Yemen war.
- You contribute to the advancement of the educational system in Yemen and prevent the collapse.
- Help us reach war-affected areas that forced about 4 million Yemeni children to leave their school.
- Help us to spread awareness and education and contribute to the literacy of technology in Yemen.
- Create additional value that helps to obtain solutions and guidance by specialists free or less than what
   is currently on the market.
- The presence of the competent staff in this field.
- Reliable source provides knowledge.

We want to deliver that message: “Education and understanding are right for all, it is a fundamental human right that is inalienable, Regardless of gender, religion, race or economic status”.
By you support we can give hope for all of them and more, to get good future and to be achieve their dreams for them and their country.

If you think this project deserved support, please help us by share it in the social network, with your friends, your blog, and anyone care or want support projects for development, to raise our voice to the largest audience and to inform the world of the importance of this project in contributing to the advancement of education in Yemen.
Together we can save future more than 4 million children and give hopes for them.

check more about this project and what can do to help us and donate see below link:
and please watch  the video:


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